
ESG Reporting

In 2012, Enea Group started the CSR reporting process and published, the first in the industry, “ENEA Capital Group CSR Report for 2011” adopting an annual reporting cycle. Since then, the Group has continued uninterrupted non-financial data on environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance.


In May 2023, the “ENEA Group ESG Report 2023” was published. One of the key activities of the Enea Group in 2023 was the development and adoption of the “ENEA Group Climate Policy,” which complements the “ENEA Group Development Strategy until 2030 with an outlook to 2040.” The report also provides information on the carbon footprint. In 2023, steps were taken at Enea Group to comprehensively inventory and report full GHG emissions data in accordance with the international GHG Protocol standard. Scope 1 and 2 data, as well as selected Scope 3 categories, were collected and reported.

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At the end of May 2023, the “ENEA Group ESG Report 2022” was published. Since this was the year of the war across our eastern border, which caused not only turmoil in the energy market, but also a humanitarian crisis - you can learn from the report how ENEA, proving the Group's sustainable foundations, responded to both challenges. The report describes our efforts to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the development of our own renewable energy sources, the expansion and modernization of distribution networks, but also the broader context of ENEA's “Green Change.” - including ongoing research and development programs, management of risks and opportunities related to climate change. Descriptions of ongoing activities and adopted goals are accompanied by detailed figures, including greenhouse gas emissions, which for the first time were also partially calculated for the so-called Scope 3.”

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At the end of May 2022, the “ENEA Group ESG Report 2021” was published, which is not only a report on the results of its efforts already achieved, but also information on planned strategic undertakings and adopted short-, medium- and long-term goals. The report includes, among other things, multi-year schedules: to reduce CO2 emissions to zero and changes in the structure of energy generation. Other important manifestations of the transparency of Enea Group's communication with the public include a significant expansion of the section dedicated to managing climate change risks, the presentation of a climate opportunities analysis or the start of reporting data on indirect energy greenhouse gas emissions (the so-called Scope 2).

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At the end of May 2021, Enea Group published its first ESG report for 2020, prepared in accordance with GRI Standards international reporting standards, which comprehensively presents the environmental, social engagement and responsible management activities undertaken in 2020. The report presents not only the results achieved, but also the Group's commitments for the future, including the transformation to a zero-emission concern.

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Enea Group's 9th Sustainability Report was published on August 12, 2020. The report is a summary of the Group's efforts to balance economic growth and energy security, enhancing quality of life and caring for the environment. The publication, prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards for International Non-Financial Reporting, is only available online as a result of the Group's concern for the environment.

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8 sustainability report it is only available online. The report for the first time relates Enea's ongoing projects to the 5 commitments it made to achieve the 17 SDGs of the UN's 2030 Agenda: No. 4 “Good Quality Education,” No. 5 “Gender Equality,” No. 7 “Clean and Accessible Energy,” No. 8 “Economic Growth and Decent Work,” and No. 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities.”

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The seventh sustainability report is available only electronically. The report was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the latest version of the international standard Global Reporting Initiative: GRI Standards, at the CORE application level, and it presents the social, environmental and economic performance of the Group, which in March 2017 was joined by a new company in the Generation Area: Enea Połaniec, and covers the period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.

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The report describes actions taken over the course of 2016, activities and initiatives that stem from Enea Group's strategic goals. It also presents data on investments that reduce environmental impact and indicators that speak to the scale and nature of that impact, information on employer-employee relations and system changes being implemented that will have a direct impact on the quality of service and the level of satisfaction of our customers.

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Enea Group's fifth Sustainability Report is accompanied by an animation depicting the complete supply chain, already complete after Enea Group's acquisition of Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. mine in 2015, with the last link - mining.

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The “ENEA Group Sustainability Report 2014” was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the international standard Global Reporting Initiative G4, at the Core application level.

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The “ENEA Group CSR Report 2013” is a continuation of this approach and once chosen form (online). It provides an opportunity to compare indicators with those of previous reports when it will be maintained for future years.

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For the convenience of our Stakeholders, greater accessibility and in line with our pro-environmental approach, the “Enea Capital Group CSR Report for 2012” was the first report published exclusively online, in the form of an interactive platform. It was also one of only two in Poland at the time that was prepared in accordance with the then latest international CSR reporting guidelines announced in May 2013 in Amsterdam: GRI G4 (application level “Core”).

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In 2012, Enea Group started the CSR reporting process and published, the first in the industry, “ENEA Capital Group CSR Report for 2011” adopting an annual reporting cycle. Since then, the Group has continued nonfinancial data on environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance uninterruptedly.

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Before Enea began reporting in accordance with the GRI standard, the “Review of ENEA S.A.'s Social Commitment in 2007 - 2009 - Close to the Community” was published, which presents Enea SA's social activities to a wide audience.


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