
Assumed transformation of the business model

Assumed transformation of the business model

The Management Board of Enea decided to launch an ENEA Group RES portfolio (RES portfolio) with the aim of operationalisation of the ENEA Group Development Strategy until 2030 with an outlook to 2040 with regard to the renewable energy sources.

PV scheme focuses on the development of photovoltaic farms in the Enea Group. Its objective is to increase the generation capacity of such technologies. The Group plans to increase the capacity through the development of own projects, acquisition of projects at various stages of advancement (e.g. through contracts with project developers) and their further development, and finished projects, also in joint ventures.

Wind farm scheme focuses on the development of onshore wind farms with the objective to increase Enea Group’s generation capacity of such technologies. Capacity is set to be increased mainly through acquisitions of finished projects, and should the so-called 10h rule change, also through development of own projects and acquisition of projects at various stages of advancement (e.g. contracts with project developers) and their further development, also in joint ventures.

Offshore schemes involve the development of offshore wind farms with the objective to increase Enea Group’s generation capacity of such technologies. The capacity is set to increase through Enea’s collaboration with Polska Grupa Energetyczna.

In line with the Group’s Development Strategy, the company’s focus is to:

  • ensure energy security,
  • ensure continuous and reliable supply and take-up of electricity with appropriate quality parameters,
  • develop a smart distribution grid, including, in particular, a full-scale implementation of smart metering, development of SCADA systems, development of tools to support network management processes, including communication and data transmission systems, as well as grid automation, taking into account cybersecurity considerations,
  • change the model of operation of DSOs, resulting from the dynamic increase in the number and capacity of distributed sources, which leads to major changes in the functioning of the energy market and the roles of its existing participants. Enea Operator wants to be an active, neutral market support, enabling grid users to benefit from many services that go beyond energy supply. For this purpose, the company will, in particular, adapt the power grid to operate in conditions of high volatility of generation sources, including converting it from a passive (one-way) grid to an active (two-way) grid.

Our Development Strategy provides for the development of new lines of business, which will use the Group’s own resources, as well as synergies from collaboration with partners from other industries. We focus on new product and service packages to be added to our offering. A key area of interest is analysing the best energy storage technologies (large-scale and high-capacity facilities) offered and under development (including R&D+I) available in Europe. They are intended to ensure the necessary stability of RES and to become an element of Poland’s energy security. We also analyse the energy storage technologies, hydrogen technologies and innovative use of traditional RES (agrovoltaics, trackers, hydropower plants). Our companies work together to innovate and apply the latest technologies. Together, we make sure to optimise the expenditure and cost of such activities.


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