
About us

Enea Trading is a subsidiary of the Enea Capital Group. It has competence in the field of trade in electricity, natural gas, property rights, CO2 emission allowances, coal and biomass. Enea Trading acquires electricity and basic fuel production for Enea Group as well as manages the portfolios of the the companies Enea SA, Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. o.o. and Enea Operator Sp. z o. o. The Company develops  strategies for business activities in the wholesale energy market, all while remaining active on many markets in the energy industry.

Rafał Soja -  Chief Executive Officer 

Kamil Krasowski - Chief Commercial Officer

Przemysław Łyczyński - Chief Financial Officer







* Figures from the end of 2016


The company was founded in October 2010, under the name Elko Trading Sp. z o.o. with its headquarters in the Świerże Górne (Municipality of Kozienice) in the Mazowieckie region. Initially, it was a provider of wholesale trade for the Power Station "Kozienice" S. A. (and Enea S.A.) Later, it began integrating energy trade, property rights and the production of other fuels for The Enea Capital Group. In September of 2012, it launched a multi-dimensional reorganization,  resulting in a change of the company name to Enea Trading Sp. z o. o.. Since that time, the company has grown steadily and rapidly. In 2013, Enea Trading  assumed complete competence in the supply and the trade in production fuels from Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. and the Heat and Power Station of Białystok S. A. The Company became responsible for the optimization of business assets for the entire Capital Group. Using a portfolio approach, it started its operations in new markets, domestic and international (natural gas market, origination market, the market for derivative products), and also initiated a special effort to master operations of Proprietary Trading business. As of 2014, the company acts as a market maker on the Polish Power Exchange. The constant development and the aspiration to the accomplishment of its goals has resulted in Enea Trading playing a central role in the wholesale trade of entire Enea Capital Group.


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