
Approach to Customers

Our Customers expect quality and security – our services have a direct impact on the key areas of their lives and work. We understand the significance of this challenge – we expand our offer, improve the standard of service and reliability of energy supplies. Customer satisfaction guides our decisions and the direction we are taking.

We adjust our product offer in line with the market situation and Customers needs

In 2023, we provided our Customers with electricity and additional products and services to address their every-day needs, such as: help with household repairs, IT support and smart home devices. Institutional Customers were offered specialist services, such as an IT system to manage electricity use. We offered our Customers solutions to access and make effective use of renewable energy.

Information on employee safety regulations can be found in our latest ESG Report.

Report link


Responsible sales

Enea SA is a Certified Energy Seller. The certificate, awarded by the Energy Trading Association, confirms reliability of the Company’s operations, in line with the Association’s Good Practices of Electricity and Gaseous Fuel Sellers.

ENEA S.A. Sales Standards for Business Customers, Code of Best Practicesfor the processing of personal data in sales and the Sustainable Direct Marketing Policy at ENEA S.A. guarantee that Customers receive fair treatment and that the terms and conditions of agreements are complied with.

Our Group adheres to ethical principles, respects human rights and observes the law. We have adopted clear and transparent rules of reporting (also anonymously) and investigating any violations. We carefully analyse all complaints, comments and reports from the consumers. We educate our Employees in Customer service and – where justified – we modify the processes across the organisation so as to prevent any unwanted situations.

One of our priorities is to generate and supply electricity and heat in a way that is safe for the environment. We strive to rationally manage natural resources and to maintain biodiversity and continuity of ecological processes.

The Enea Group implements the unbundling guidelines of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office:

  • Enea Operator does not promote or recommend any companies involved in the generation or sales of electricity to third parties; when serving Customers, it does not display promotional or advertising materials of energy companies,
  • it has its own visual identity,
  • it uses separate communication channels (website, e-mail address domain, telephone numbers). 

Continuity of energy supply

The Enea Group is an important link in the national energy security system. We ensure continuity of electricity and heat supply and reliability of the distribution grid.

We guarantee reliable energy supply with advanced technologies and the latest technical standards. We ensure the right quality of infrastructure, monitor its condition and modernise it on a regular basis. We automate distribution grids and invest in generation units, including RES, which help ensure the required capacity of the power system. At least once every two years after implementation we analyse all standards that ensure security of energy supply. If necessary, we revise the standards and add more details so that they meet the requirements and needs of the evolving power grid. Additionally, selected organisational units of Enea Operator undergo an annual test to check the accuracy and timeliness of response in case of a mass failure. We have also implemented a Business continuity management system with regular tests of critical process, e.g. the process for maintaining reliability and security of the grid and continuity of supply. 

What we do to ensure reliability of our grid

Detailed information on our energy supply reliability activities - applicable regulations, ongoing programs, major investment tasks, etc.

Report link


Service quality

We grow the market position of our Group through the value we offer to our Customers. We combine products and services in attractive packages and enhance the quality of the distribution infrastructure to ensure uninterrupted energy supply. We strive to provide Customers with top quality service and we optimise related procedures on an ongoing basis.

Service quality standards

We continue to expand the range of queries that can be handled by the Enea Electronic Customer Service Centre (eBOK). In 2023, Enea’s Customers could file electronic requests for: a return of overpayment, transfers of payments between one counterparty’s accounts, instalments, payment deadline extension and a meter accuracy check. The range of electronic requests is set to be further expanded. We also automated the process of raising debit notes for the collection costs, raising invoices for electricity reconnection and sending e-mails with the terms and conditions of connection.

Customers operating their own photovoltaic installation have been provided with a special tab in eBOK to check daily meter readings. We implemented a net-billing model to raise invoice to prosumers.

Since July 2023, Enea’s Customers have been able to use the mDowód module in the mObywatel application to confirm their identity in a Customer Service Centre.

Enea’s Customers can submit their complaints via eBOK, e-mail at:, phone at +48 611 111 111, chat, directly in the Customer Service Centre or by mail to the address provided on the invoice. The rules for handling complaints and responding to Customers have been outlined in internal regulations (Complaints Policy, The Book of Complaint Process, Key Quality Guidelines and detailed instructions). The standards have been introduced not only to analyse Customers’ complaints about products and services, but also to monitor and keep improving our offering and the quality of service.

Customer data security 

The digital world offers new opportunities, but also requires that we are extra cautions to guarantee data security. We satisfy the requirements arising from the laws in place and apply internal regulations, such as the Code of Best Practices for the processing of personal data in sales. We respect our Customers’ right to privacy and we understand that me must protect the data we receive against unauthorised access and use it responsibly.

Internal regulations that ensure appropriate protection of our Customers’ data are:

  • ENEA Group Security Policy,
  • Personal Data Protection Policy in the ENEA Group,
  • ICT Security Principles in the ENEA Group,
  • Information Processing Principles in the ENEA Group,
  • Personal Data Processing Principles in the ENEA Group,
  • Risk Management Methodology for Cybersecurity of Key Services in the ENEA Group,
  • Personal Data Processing Risk Methodology in the ENEA Group.

The companies in the Group can also adopt their own regulations, additional privacy and data recommendations. For example, LW Bogdanka adopted the Information Security Policy for ICT Systems.


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