
Responsible workplace shaping

Responsible workplace shaping

Our organisational culture is based on mutual respect, appreciation for diversity and support provided to all our colleagues. We create a safe and friendly work environment for a competent and motivated team. We also make sure that every day our atmosphere is conducive to collaboration and effective interactions. Our Employees can feel confident that they will be treated fairly and that all employment, remuneration and promotion criteria will be clear and straightforward. They can also expect opportunities for professional and personal development. We offer stable employment conditions and attractive fringe benefits. 

Our companies are committed to all Employee rights – in particular, the right to equal treatment, rest, fair pay, freedom of association and privacy.

Group Personnel​

Total number of persons working under employment contracts

 Enea GroupEnea SA
Total number of individuals working under employment contracts18 227460
full-time Employees – women3 481254
full-time Employees – men14 683198
part-time Employees – women286
part-time Employees – men352
working under employment contracts for an indefinite period – women3 017251
working under employment contracts for an indefinite period – men13 019186
other contract types (probationary period, fixed term, industrial placement, and replacement contracts) – women4929
other contract types (probationary period, fixed term, industrial placement, and replacement contracts) – men1 69914

Total number of persons providing services to Enea Group

Total number of persons providing services to Enea Group2023

Job categories – diversity by gender

Gender diversity in respect of position of rank Enea GroupEnea SA
senior management (i.e. members of Management Board and Supervisory Board) – women1)351
senior management (i.e. members of Management Board and Supervisory Board) – men1)13912
directors – women4811
directors – men17720
junior managers – women2)29740
junior managers – men2)99735
operational Employees – women3200
operational Employees – men9 8130
administrative Employees – women2 844209
administrative Employees – men3 731145

1) Includes individuals working under management contracts and Employees appointed to supervisory boards.
2) Including head foremen and dispatchers.

Men and women working under employment contracts – by age

Men and women working under employment contracts – by ageEnea GroupEnea SA
Employees aged under 30 – women46219
Employees aged under 30 – men1 84711
Employees aged 30-50 – women2 229213
Employees aged 30-50 – men8 725157
Employees aged 50+ – women81828
Employees aged 50+ – men4 14632

Employees fluctuation

Total number of new hires working under employment contracts1)1 0101 1522 162
of which women219337594
of which men7918151 568
Employees aged under 30431509740
Employees aged 30-504835511 134
Employees aged 50+9692288
New Hiring Rate2)5,80%6,50%11,86%
including: Enea SA202120222023
Total number of new hires working under employment contracts1)416472
of which women223434
of which men193038
Employees aged under 3051113
Employees aged 30-50294752
Employees aged 50+767
New Hiring Rate2)10,00%15,20%15,65%

1) Number of Employees hired by Enea Group companies both through external and internal recruitment, as well as a result of acquisitions pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Labour Code.
2) The ratio of new hires to total Employees.

Employees leaving Enea comanies202120222023
Total number of leavers under employment contracts1)1 0191 0231 295
of which women204202327
of which men815821968
Employees aged under 30205209204
Employees aged 30-50319354517
Employees aged 50+496460574
Employee turnover rate2)5,80%5,80%7,10%
including: Enea SA202120222023
Total number of leavers under employment contracts1)415333
of which women182217
of which men233116
Employees aged under 30524
Employees aged 30-50304320
Employees aged 50+689
Employee turnover rate2)10,00%12,59%7,17%

1) The number of leavers during the year refers to the termination of employment contracts and transfers between Enea Group companies pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Labour Code.
2) The ratio of leavers to total Employees in Enea Group.

Occupational health and safety 

We create safe workplaces and strive to minimise the risk of accidents and occupational diseases. We inform our Employees about the potential risks, procedures to be followed should the risks materialise, and the preventive actions. The Group’s companies frequently introduce ergonomic improvements. The occupational health and safety rules applied in the Enea Group are compliant with the applicable laws. All internal safety regulations are adapted to the existing requirements and the current conditions and situations.

We are always looking for new technical and organisational solutions to improve the robustness of our OHS system. The safety of our Employees is continuously monitored and improved, as guaranteed by our internal policies, procedures and instructions. Among others, we conduct regular checks of tools and equipment as well as controls of working conditions. We do our best to shape and promote safe behaviours among our Employees.

Informacje na temat regulacji dotyczących bezpieczeństwa pracowników można odnaleźć w naszym najnowszym Raporcie ESG


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