
Contribution to socjety

Contribution to community development

Our companies support the development of local communities and regions. They invest in enhancing our Customers’ energy security and modernise local infrastructure in cities, municipalities and counties. We help connect RES and develop energy clusters. We create jobs, pay taxes and levies to local budgets, thus influencing the lives of local communities. We connect new consumers to our CHP to improve the microclimate and the living conditions of local communities.

The Enea Group’s development of renewable energy sources can have a significant impact on local development. The areas where such projects are carried out receive revenue from: property tax, CIT from entities investing in RES and PIT from farmers who lease their land to wind farm operators and receive taxable income. RES is considered to be a non-intrusive industry, so the land with such projects remains arable and appealing to tourists.

Direct economic value generated by the Enea Group

Direct economic value generated by the Enea Group [PLN million]20211)20221)2023
i. Generated economic value:   
Total revenue2)21 74330 55548 886
ii. Distributed economic value:   
Operating expenses3)16 92227 03638 539
Payroll and Employee benefits4)2 1372 4963 093
Payments to capital providers (dividends and interest)5)177265402
Payments to public institutions (taxes)6)9865753 918
Social investments (donations)7)5138)29
RETAINED VALUE (difference between i. and ii.)1 5161702 905
Link do raportu


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