
Emissions and carbon footprint

In 2023, the Enea Group started a comprehensive inventory to report complete data on greenhouse gas emissions in line with GHG Protocol1). We gathered and reported Scope 1 and 2 data, and Scope 3 data in selected categories. In some Enea Group’s companies, the inventory of 2023 data consisted in increasing the scope and level of calculations of CO2-equivalent emissions compared to previous years and accounting for the supply chain data in more detail. We focused on verifying the movement of raw materials between Enea Group’s companies.

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Enea Group in 2023

CompanyScope 1
[tonnes of CO2e]
Scope 2
location-based method
[tonnes of CO2e]
Scope 2
market-based method
[tonnes of CO2e]
Scope 3
[tonnes of CO2e]
Enea Operator7 79326 32526 3941 491 413
Enea Pomiary233122855 270
Enea Serwis1 3018736664 776
Enea Elektrownia Połaniec5 060 62211 8711 5671 742 179
Enea Bioenergia2 22039939931 911
Enea Wytwarzanie12 798 2434952 691 476
Enea Trading53662 381
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej13 98051406 534
Enea Ciepło – Head Office16 3344 6764 5453 284
Enea Ciepło– Białystok Division219 85244107 454
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła91 375Data not availableData not available13 558
LW Bogdanka Capital Group49 6881) 250 2891) 250 2891) 19 803 6101)
Enea InnowacjeData not availableData not availableData not available187
Enea Nowa Energia3121 032972106 354
Enea Centrum1811 1521 152670 412
Enea Oświetlenie196150747
Enea Logistyka189193193457
Enea ELKOGAZ22Data not availableData not available14
Enea Power&Gas Trading18Data not availableData not available5
Enea SA431 7951 78211
PV Tykocin088Data not available
PV Genowefa0107 Data not available
Total18 262 655299 608288 10626 681 518
Total (without LW Bogdanka Capital Group)1)18 212 96749 31937 8176 877 909

1) LW Bogdanka Capital Group calculated its emissions and provided the data to the statement. The data about movements between the Enea Capital Group’s companies provided by the LW Bogdanka Capital Group was not verified. The data represents emissions of the LW Bogdanka Capital Group.

Biogenic CO₂ emissions in the Enea Group in 2023

CompanyBiogenic COemissions [tonnes]
Enea Elektrownia Połaniec2 758 647
LW Bogdanka Capital Group2021)
Enea Ciepło – Białystok Division434 953
Enea Nowa Energia5 786
Total3 199 588
Total (without LW Bogdanka Capital Group)3 199 386

1) LW Bogdanka Capital Group calculated its emissions and provided the data to the statement. The data about movements between the Enea Capital Group’s companies provided by the LW Bogdanka Capital Group was not verified. The data represents emissions of the LW Bogdanka Capital Group.

CO₂ emissions by individual Enea Group Generation units

 CO2 emissions [Mg]
from electricity generation
Gross electricity generation [MWh]Emission factor [kg/MWh]
Kozienice Power Plant units 1-10
 2022 r.11 876 117,013 818 432,1859,4
 2023 r.8 946 398,010 221 560,0875,2
Change % -24,7%-26,0%1,8%
Elektrownia Kozienice blok 11
 2022 r.3 664 595,04 764 590,2769,0
 2023 r.3 849 918,04 969 081,0774,8
Change % 5,1%4,3%0,8%
Enea Elektrownia Połaniec
 2022 r.7 088 659,09 223 962,8768,5
 2023 r.5 053 883,07 316 463,8690,8
Change % -28,7%-20,7%-10,1%
Elektrociepłownia Białystok1)
 2022 r.255 232,0470 410,3165,5
 2023 r.219 879,0440 251,8153,9
Change % -13,9%-6,4%-7,0%
Ciepłownia Zachód Białystok
 2022 r.12 851,0  
 2023 r.16 223,0  
Change % 26,2%--
MEC Piła1)
 2022 r.41 667,055 359,4157,9
 2023 r.49 225,0115 232,4153,8
Change % 18,1%108,2%-2,6%

1) The emission indicator is calculated into the total gross production of electricity and gross production of heat.

Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from Enea Group’s Generation units

Unit CO₂ emissions related to electricity generation [kg/MWh]1)202120222023
Total intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from Enea Group’s generation units764793768

1) CO₂ emissions related to electricity generation to total gross electricity generation. The calculations for the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec are based on total CO2 emissions from sources that generate only electricity or cogenerate electricity and trace quantities of heat, because in the latter type, emissions cannot be broken down into individual energy types. The data for MEC Piła and Enea Ciepło presents only direct CO2 emissions from the generation of electricity, i.e. without emissions from generation of heat. Unit emissions for 2020 and 2021 were adjusted once more precise data for MEC Piła and Enea Ciepło became available.


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