
Nature and landscape conservation

Protection of biodiversity and landscape

We want to and we know how to manage natural resources sustainably and efficiently. We strive to maintain biodiversity and continuity of the ecological processes in our surroundings. We care about the well-being of animals and the environment and we wish to preserve the natural landscape of the area around us. If needed, we restore the right condition of natural habitats and other components of nature.

We feel responsible for the neighbouring protected areas or those with special landscape qualities. Operating near national or landscape parks, lakes and rivers is a challenge, but also an opportunity to engage in measures to protect the unique natural environment. We take advantage of the opportunities that our value chain gives us and that arise from an inherent need to preserve nature.

  • LW Bogdanka’s performs its mining operations near the Natura 2000 areas, such as the Łęczna Lake District Landscape Park and Polesie Area of Protected Landscape as well as Chełm Area of Protected Landscape. The regions form a land and freshwater ecosystem whose habitats and birds must be protected. They are particularly valuable areas for biodiversity and comprise unique lakes, ponds, bogs and forests.
  • Enea Elektrownia Połaniec engages in environmentally friendly volunteering initiatives to protect nearby rivers and forests.
  • Enea Wytwarzanie, in the Kozienice municipality, is adjacent to the Natura 2000 area and its freshwater ecosystem.
  • Enea Nowa Energia carries out the generation activities on protected areas, such as the Drawa National Park, Protected Landscape Area of Koronowski Reservoir, Wda Landscape Park, Natura 2000 area in the Rega basin and Piła Sanctuary, and Wałcz Lake District and Gwda Valley Area of Protected Landscape. The hydropower plants located in the area operate with respect for the unique, local ecosystem, and the company works with organisations that support local wildlife and nature.
  • Enea Operator’s overhead power lines run through a national park and Natura 2000 areas which require special protection of birds and other animals as well as rare plant species. 


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