
Sustainable management of resources

We want to minimise our use of raw materials and consumables. We implement circular economy and combine large investment projects with lesser changes in every-day operation of the organisation. We manage the raw materials and consumables in a safe and environmentally-friendly manner and ensure appropriate handling of waste and sewage. We carry out projects to improve environmental awareness of our Employees and to protect the environment. We invest in green education in the Group’s surroundings.

Fuels purchased by the Enea Group in 2023 in the Generation area

FuelQuantity [‘000s tonnes]
Bituminous coal9 959
Biomass2 104
(Heavy) fuel oil1)13
(Light) fuel oil2)9
Natural gas [thousand Nm3]3), 4)28 629

1) Light up fuel in U1-10 of the Kozienice Power Plant and U1-7 of the Połaniec Power Plant.

2) Light up fuel in U11 of the Kozienice Power Plant, U9 of the Połaniec Power Plant and MEC Piła (boiler house of KO Staszyce, which may be gas or oil-fired).

3) Used for generation of electricity and heat in MEC Piła.

4) Used for generation of heat in Zachód Heat Plant (owned by Enea Ciepło sp. z o.o. with the registered office in Białystok).3.


Water is a raw material necessary to generate electricity. The Group uses it in the cooling systems in the Kozienice and Połaniec power plants.

Compared with 2021, the Enea Group’s companies’ total water withdrawal fell by over 30 percent and in 2023 was lower by over a million litres. This is the effect of the development of renewable energy sources and reduced use of conventional sources.

Water withdrawal by the Enea Group

Water withdrawal [Ml]1) 2) 3)1)2)3)202120222023
Total water withdrawal by Enea Group’s companies3 582 0822 942 1272 490 594

1) Real properties for which detailed data on water withdrawal is not available (e.g. because the companies settle their accounts with administrators on a lump sum basis) have not been taken into account.

2) 99 percent of the water withdrawal by the Kozienice Power Plant and the Połaniec Power Plant is the intake/return of water from the Vistula River for cooling purposes.

3) A decrease in energy production from conventional sources in 2023 (by 21.5 percent compared to 2022) resulted in a decrease in water withdrawal at the Enea Group.


Waste generated by the Enea Group

Generated waste [Mg]1)202120222023
Total mass of waste generated in the Enea Group:5 973 7456 028 4356 206 448
hazardous waste976951830
non-hazardous waste5 972 7696 027 4846 205 618

1) Real properties for which detailed data on generated waste is not available (e.g. because the companies settle their accounts with administrators on a lump sum basis) have not been taken into account.

Waste generated by the Enea Group in 2023

Generated waste [Mg]1)2023
Total mass of waste generated in the Enea Group:6 206 448
Hazardous waste:830
1. Wastes resulting from exploration, mining, supply and use of inorganic chemical processes2,5
2. Wastes resulting from exploration, mining, supply and use of organic chemical processes1,3
3. Wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use (MFSU) of coatings (paints, varnishes and vitreous enamels), adhesives, sealants and printing inks0,3
4. Oil wastes and wastes of liquid fuels (except edible oils, 05, 12 and 19 in BDO (Waste Database))209,2
5. Waste organic solvents, refrigerants and propellants (except 07 and 08 in BDO (Waste Database))0,4
6. Waste packaging; absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not otherwise specified in BDO (Waste Database)81,6
7. Wastes not otherwise specified in BDO (Waste Database)444,8
8. Construction and demolition wastes (including excavated soil from contaminated sites)89,8
Non-hazardous waste:6 205 618
1. Wastes resulting from exploration, mining, quarrying, physical and chemical treatment of ores and other minerals 5 433 100
1. Wastes from wood processing and the production of panels and furniture, pulp, paper and cardboard0,4
2. Wastes resulting from exploration, mining, supply and use of inorganic chemical processes0,6
3. Wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of organic chemical processes48,8
4. Wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use (MFSU) of coatings (paints, varnishes and vitreous enamels), adhesives, sealants and printing inks0,3
5. Wastes from thermal processes753 899,3
6. Wastes from shaping and surface treatment of metals and plastics62,6
7. Waste packaging; absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not otherwise specified in BDO (Waste Database)448,5
8. Wastes not otherwise specified in BDO (Waste Database)442,1
9. Construction and demolition wastes (including excavated soil from contaminated sites)16 443,5
10. Wastes from waste management facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the preparation of water intended for human consumption and water for industrial use1 020,4
11. Municipal wastes including separately collected fractions151,8

1) Real properties for which detailed data on generated waste is not available (e.g. because the companies settle their accounts with administrators on a lump sum basis) have not been taken into account.

Circular economy initiatives

We minimise the amount of waste making the most of the resources. We use the latest technologies to further implement circular economy and thus reduce our impact on the environment. Here are some examples of our initiatives.

Enea Elektrownia Połaniec uses the combustion waste from co-firing coal and biomass and gypsum generated in the flue gas desulphurisation system as high-quality by-products which are recovered or neutralised, other than in a landfill. The company sorts other waste and passes it on to third parties for management. The company has a Programme for managing waste at the Power Plant in place. It is attached to the Environmental monitoring procedure and regulates all issues relating to waste from electricity generation and is updated if new types of waste emerge.

Enea Wytwarzanie takes action to maximise the sales of ash and gypsum which translates into the reduction of the generated waste transferred for disposal.

Enea Nowa Energia has implemented circular economy practices in its biogas plants – it uses the waste from a different industry to minimise the amount of waste it generates. The company uses agricultural waste to generate biogas and the digestate generated in the production passes on as fertiliser to be used in agriculture.

Enea Operator repairs and renovates transformers, meters and concrete poles. This way it extends the lifecycle of materials and reduces the amount of waste.

Enea Logistyka passes on used sources of light and fuses to an authorised recycling entity.


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