
Green investments

In line with the ENEA Group Development Strategy until 2030 with an outlook to 2040, we develop energy generation from renewable sources. Our actual RES portfolio includes photovoltaic farms, onshore and biogas plants. In 2023, we generated 2 284 GWh of renewable energy, 15 percent more compared with 2022, and investments in RES only in Enea Nowa Energia exceeded PLN 90 million. In the entire Enea Group, including acquisitions, it was PLN 370 million. In the coming years we plan to continue our involvement in renewable energy investments. 

In 2023, we added three companies generating renewable energy to our Group: PRO-WIND, PV Tykocin and PV Genowefa with total capacity of 47 Mwe.

Łączna produkcja OZE

Enea Group’s energy production from Generation units

Item20222023Change (%)
Grupa Enea
Total net generation of electricity [GWh]26 21421 344-18,6%
Net generation from conventional sources [GWh]24 26519 060-21,5%
RES generation [GWh]1 9492 28417,2%
Gross heat production [TJ]7 8617 369-6,3%
Enea Wytwarzanie
Net generation from conventional sources [GWh]17 11813 945-18,4%
including: Kozienice Power Plant, unit 11
Net generation from conventional sources [GWh]4 3474 5354,3%
Average net load [MW]757713-5,8%
Gross heat production [TJ]586493-15,9%
Enea Nowa Energia
RES generation [GWh] 2862953,1%
Hydropower plants108107-0,9%
Wind farms1671723,0%
Biogas plants98-11,1%
PV farms38166,7%
PV Genowefa, PRO-WIND, PV Tykocin – companies owned by the Enea Group1)
RES generation [GWh] -6100,0%
Enea Elektrownia Połaniec
Total net generation of electricity [GWh]8 3766 628-20,9%
Net generation from conventional sources [GWh]6 9384 870-29,8%
RES generation (biomass firing – Green Unit) [GWh]1 1281 50733,6%
RES generation (biomass co-firing) [GWh]309252-18,4%
Gross heat production [TJ]2 4172 295-5,0%
Enea Ciepło
Total net generation of electricity [GWh]383360-6,0%
RES generation [GWh] 224224-
PEC Oborniki
Gross heat production [TJ]116116-
MEC Piła
Net generation from conventional sources [GWh]50109118,0%
Gross heat production [TJ]751737-1,9%

1) The volumes for PRO-WIND, PV Tykocin and PV Genowefa correspond to the revenue from sales of electricity in the period. The 2023 and Q4 2023 figures for the new companies are the same, because in the interim report for Q1–Q3 2023 the data was not reported.

Enea Nowa Energia investments

Investment projectValue [PLN bln]
Inwestycje zrealizowane w 2023 r.:
Grupa Enea
- PV Krzęcin – 6.6 MW, independent project, construction outsourced22,7
- Purchase and investment of capital into Bejsce Wind Farm building a 19.8 MW wind farm17,1
- Other development, modernisation, replacement and renovation projects13,2
- PV Jastrowie II – 8 MW, independent project, construction outsourced10,7
- PV Dygowo I – 8 MW, independent project, construction outsourced10,6
- PV-FW Lubno I – 3 MW, independent project, construction outsourced7,2
- PV Darżyno – 2 MW, independent project, construction outsourced5,8
- PV Lubno I and II – 2x 1 MW, independent project, construction outsourced5,7

Major RES investment in 2023

  • construction of offshore wind farm – Enea SA holds a 33.81% interest in Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 5 sp. z o.o.; in August 2023, the company obtained a permit from the Minister of Infrastructure to construct and operate artificial islands in area 60.E.4 on the Baltic Sea, where construction of an offshore wind farm is being considered,
  • development of Enea’s own 525 MW projects, with 410 MW by special-purpose vehicles carrying out their own greenfield projects and the rest by Enea Nowa Energia; most of them have the perspective of energyization in the years 2025-2030, the vast majority of them are photovoltaic farms, but wind farms are also planned. The Group acquired four companies: FW Bejsce, PV Tykocin, PRO-WIND and PV Genowefa,
  • projects implemented by the Połaniec Power Plant covering units 2 through 7; changes associated with co-firing of coal and biomass; some of the projects are being designed, some are already being developed,
  • Enea Ciepło in Białystok getting ready for the construction of a biomass-fired power unit,
  • renewable energy clusters – in 2023, the Group considered various forms of collaboration in clusters and discussed were held concerning the development of local RES; the Enea Group’s companies worked with eight energy clusters,
  • investment projects of Enea Operator: construction of ten new transformer stations (GPZ), which enhance and stabilise the operation of the grid, thus reducing the number of refusals to connect new RES to the grid,
  • continued collaboration with the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre with the objective to create a local energy balancing system and the use of artificial intelligence in the analysis of measurement data from remote reading meters,
  • supporting hydrogen valley initiatives and academic research. Enea Nowa Energia in Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley, Enea and Enea Operator in Zachodniopomorska Hydrogen Valley and Enea Wytwarzanie in Central Hydrogen Valley.

As far as distribution is concerned, we seek to transform Enea Operator’s distribution network into a Smart Grid. Expansion of the technical infrastructure will increase the efficiency of the grid and offer more opportunities for remote monitoring and control. This is particularly important considering that the distribution system must be adapted to the dynamically growing share of distributed sources. Expansion of the smart grid is also integral to the development of energy storage, electromobility and better integration across the RES system, and a step towards building a new, decentralised energy system. Enea Operator’s total capital expenditures in 2023 amounted to more than PLN 1.8 billion.

Liczba połączonych źródeł OZE zakwalifikowanych do II i III grupy przyłączeniowej narastająco [szt.]

RES in Enea Operator’s area of operations connected in 2016–2023

 Number of connected RES classified to II and III connection group, cumulatively [qty]Number of connected microinstallations, based on the applications and requests received, cumulatively [qty]Total capacity of connected RES sources classified to II and III connection group, cumulatively [MW]Total capacity of connected microinstallations, based on the applications and requests received, cumulatively [MW]
20163502 4791 22017
20173604 3021 24031
20184006 9101 28050
201949318 9001 369136
202059361 9901 614435
2021785108 8732 066830
20221 207150 2832 7511 257
20231 7311)174 2783 9641)1 559

1)The list does not include cogeneration sources (340.8 MW) or RES connected under the C1x and C2x tariffs (9.5 MW).


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