
On the road to climate neutrality by 2050.

Our Group’s plans for growth are in tune with the changes in Poland’s energy sector and the EU regulatory frameworks.Projections fot the new Enea Group - installed capacity

ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy

In line with the Paris Agreement and EU climate plans, we intend to become climate neutral by 2050. A detailed timetable will be updated once a new or modified government policy on divestiture of coal assets from energy companies has been presented. 

Expected CO2 emissions

Expected CO2 emissions

The 2020–2023 data presents actual figures (direct carbon emissions from generation of electricity); the data from 2024 has been estimated, assuming the divestiture of coal assets from the Enea Group.

With this strategy, we will be able to gradually reduce carbon emissions and this way reduce the emission factor (kg CO₂/MWh).Net Zero 20250 infographic


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